Is this website free to use? Registering cats is 100% free. We do have optional upgrades for lost cat listings.
My lost cat was found. How do I remove my lost cat listing? To remove a lost cat listing you can either a) sign in and change your cat's status to "Safe", or b) simply delete your account. To change the status, first sign in. If you only have one registered cat you will be taken directly to his Edit Profile page where you can change his status to "I'm Safe at Home" and click "Save." If you have multiple cats registered, first click the name of cat you want to edit. Choose the "I'm SAFE at home" option then click "Save."
I returned the cat I found. How do I remove his listing? To remove a found cat, first sign in. If you only have one registered cat you will be taken directly to his Edit Profile page. If you have multiple cats registered, click the name of cat you want to edit. Click the "Delete" button at the bottom of the page to delete the cat's listing. If this is the only cat you have registered you can simply delete your entire account without needing to delete the individual cat listing. Delete your account.
How do I delete my account? To completely remove your account use the "Delete Your Account" link on the Sign In page. Or here: delete your account.
The registration form is asking me for a password, how do I get a password? If you are a new user the password box is for you to create your own password which will be associated with your email address. Returning users can use this box to sign in with their existing password at the same time as registering a new cat.
I registered my cat but he is not showing up under the Lost Cats listings. Why not? Either you registered your cat but did not use the Lost Cat registration form, and his status is set to "Safe at Home", or your listing has already expired (365 days). To change a "Safe at Home" cat's status to "Lost", first sign in, then view your cat's Edit Profile page and change his status to "Lost", and click "Save".
How is my contact information used? In order to maximize lost cat reunions we now show user phone numbers on lost/found listings to other signed in users. After years of emailing back and forth contact details behind the scenes we've come to accept that email is not reliable enough to trust for reuniting lost pets. We do not show user phone numbers to non-registered users, or website crawling "spiders." Your phone number will not end up on Google and will be hard for scammers or telemarketers to gather off of Tabby Tracker. Although it's still possible for a person to register and visit individual pages and copy phone numbers, we've done the best we can do to make sure that phone numbers are not easy to acquire in bulk off of Tabby Tracker. This is the very best way we can assure that you will be contact when your lost cat is found.
How do I upload a photo? To upload a photo of your cat, first click the Upgrade button on your cat's profile. After completing the photo upgrade you may upload the photo via the website or through email. To upload via the website simply visit your cat's profile page and click the "Upload Photo" button. You will then select the photo from your computer or phone and it will upload to your cat's profile. If you cannot upload via your device, you may email the photo and it will be uploaded immediately by the website. Under the "Upload Photo" button, mentioned above, is a link to the email address specific for your cat's photo upload. Click this link to start an email and make the subject of the email "Photo" and attach the photo of your cat. Click send and the photo will be uploaded within seconds.
How do I request a refund for upgrades? You may request a refund for any upgrades made in the last 30 days. If you qualify for a refund, a "Request Refund" link will appear on the Transactions page next to your transaction record. To get to the Transactions page, first sign in, then click My Account, then click Transactions. Email requests for refunds will not be honored, you must use the automated process. Requesting a refund will disable the upgrades on your listing.