Cat's Description
Last seen in the area of Extended Stay /Fair Oaks Mall, Maxwell is a neutered, with claws, brown/white/grey with rusty nose and tummy. 1.25 years old. He wears a collar, but is quite good at escaping it, he goes without a fair amount. He's not microchipped yet. Maxwell is a rehabilitated feral, he's curious about people, but may or may not let you near him. He's primarily interested in hunting mice. He has an infinity loop marking on his forehead in between his ears, lots of spots on his tummy. He looks chubby when he lays down but is slender when stands up.
He is about 10-12 lbs. And to give you an idea of size, to me, he looks pretty normal, but he sleeps in a banana box which you can see above, in the middle. He comes pretty close to filling it. Please help us bring him home. We miss him so much.