Cat's Description
His name is Kevin he’s about 11 to 12 years old in April. He was been on the heavy side. He is neutered in the cloud he starting to get better about not being so skittish so I don’t know you’re right to be approaching loves his milk so you want to lower him out that’s the best way, it’s very friendly though no microchip and he’s got a sibling that’s just cries nonstop since he’s been gone since April Ward for any information leading up to return and I have to say that 99.999%, a girl and a maroon SUV took him. I was staying the night in U-Haul. I can go to my place and sand bumper to let them out at 5 AM , I fell asleep for like 15 minutes. When I woke up, he was gone and he would never do that. I would never skittish he just follow me everywhere. I don’t see it else being stolen. Please help me Walmart in Ohio. I like to share this with many people multiple times , anybody knows a girl and men who got a new cat around that time I need to know he’s OK